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Haddon Library

Photo of the interior of the Haddon Library

Who can use the Haddon Library?

All members of the Cambridge University community (students and staff), along with members of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society (CAS), are welcome to use the Haddon Library's spaces and collections. Our collections, services and classes focus on Archaeology, Biological AnthropologySocial Anthropology, and the HSPS Tripos but you are welcome to use our spaces and collections if you are studying something else. 

If you are from outside of the University of Cambridge but still wish to use our collections, please do get in touch to discuss your needs further. 

Does the Haddon Library have any rules?

We want everyone to be able to study in a comfortable space. These rules are in place to protect our collections and facilities and to give you the best possible experience.

You are welcome to:

  • bring in small snacks to help fuel your studies
  • have covered drinks or bottled water
  • use mobile devices on silent mode

We ask that you:

  • avoid eating strong-smelling or loud/crunchy foods that might disturb others
  • smoke or vape away from our building
  • take any calls outside of the Library (unless you've booked our acoustic booth!)
  • respect the space and others in it

We understand that accidents happen so if you spill anything, please let us know as soon as possible. You can speak to a member of staff if you have any queries about these rules.

How old is the Haddon Library?

The Haddon Library is over 100 years old and was founded with a generous bequest from the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. You can learn more about the library's history by accessing

What other libraries are there in Cambridge?

The Haddon Library is part of the wider Cambridge University Libraries network which comprises of many different college and Faculty/Departmental libraries plus central libraries like the University Library.

We all work together to support our students, researchers, staff, and other members of the Cambridge University community.

To find out more, check out this YouTube video all about Cambridge University Libraries.